Thursday, April 9, 2009

mine pregnancy two

i wore my first pair of maternity jeans yesterday, and they were great. i got a lot of compliments on them. i also got a lot of remarks about how i finally seemed to be showing.

while they (the small group of women i work with) chattered about this, and about how big my boobs are (not that they were small before. booo.), blah, blah... all i could think about was how maternity pants rock. you don't have to button them at all, apparently. it's like pulling on a pair of p.j.'s., and while they're blathering on i'm thinking, "hey, if i get to wear pajamas for the next six months, and have people comment on how nice they look, i suppose the whole bulbing-thing won't be too bad."

granted, tying my shoes is getting harder. and my tiredness is, at least for now, returning. but pajamas are never a bad thing, regardless of how dressy they look. comfort, man. comfort.

and now i'm going to nap.


HKins said...

You got some maternity pants! Wow, I can't wait to see them. :)

Moon Whaler said...

Deb, HOLY SHIT CONGRATS!! I am so excited for you! I haven't checked your blog in a while and shame on me! It's true, maternity pants are awesome. The ones that you pull up over your belly are my favorite-- no more showing everyone my underwear! Anyway, you need to email me your address so I can send you some presents for your baby! Congrats again!
-Carly Palacios

HKins said...