Tuesday, September 16, 2008


my head is full of sweet hookah smoke and i know i'm gonna have to use it fast because pressing hard, leering close, is the old face of reality. there it is *points* i can see it through the shifting, lovely haze.

use it for what? i'm not sure.

i have a house, that's one thing i know we work for. it's important to have a roof over your head and a floor to sit on (or a couch, or chairs, if one is inclined in that direction). these things are important to have so we're not just sitting in a park or on the cement. it's hard to sleep in the park, or to smoke hookah on cement. it's hard to make food without a house -- refrigeration is key, as is a stove. important.

in america, it's important to have a vehicle too. most of the time, and in most places in america. work. school. socialization. meetings. so we have to work for that too, because self-transportation isn't free. neither is insurance. nor gas. blah blah.

food. clothes. shoes. domesticated animals. caged animals, or ones that live in tanks.

then there's the entertainment we use to distract ourselves from that old face. from it's constant, ever-leering face. this too is a necessity, though some may disagree.

posted before i'm ready... more to say but cut short. reality sets in sooner than expected.

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